Saturday, May 10, 2008


...Snowboard rails scare the shit out of me.  If you fall one way you land badly.  Fall the other way and not only do you land badly but you land badly on a metal rail!  It doesnt help that I'm shit at doing them either.   Definietly getting some body armour.

Just tested me new Technine Jib board at Chill Factor E.  Its sweet as.  Its the best board I've ever had, even if it is only my second board :P

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Feels like I've just broken my ribs snowboarding at chill factor e in manchester.  Owe.....

Monday, March 03, 2008


My new (and first) snowboard came today ^_^  Got me a rome agent 156 with burton tria d bindings and 32 lashed boots.  I could have got a board more suited to progressing like the rome solution but at £273 for the agent in the sale it seemed silly not to spend the extra.  Same with the bindings.  Cant go wrong for £126 and they should have loads of resell potential.  Got the 32 lashed because they were cheap on ebay and there nice and forgiving for my first trip on a mountain (less than a month to go!).  Picture coming soon.  The flash made my eyes glow like i was the spawn of satan and i was pulling a spazzy face :P

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

...Shouldn't have played guitar hero before going to bed.... :(

Friday, February 08, 2008

Went rock climbing at awesome walls in liverpool tonight.  Blitzed all but 2 of the top rope walls.  Gonna try do a lead climbing session next month.  We were meant to be going at least once a week, not sure what happened to that :P  Best not mention I've not been the gym for over a month :P

Snowboarding lesson again tomorrow, gonna nail them toe edge turns again ^_^

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Went to liverpool today to try on snowboard boots.  Only i ended up talking about boots, bindings and boards and forgot to try on the boots :(  You cant really go back in after you've walked out the shop.  Have to go back next weekend.

Another week another snowboarding lesson.  Negatives; I fell on my left arse cheek and it fucking kills!!  Positives; I can now turn on my toe edge and link turns ^_^  I rock the party!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Went to Runcorn ski centre yesterday for another snowboarding lesson.  The instructor bumped us up to the next course cos we kick ass!! Ok maybe not kick ass but definitely getting into it.  My  Brother Alex started in the beginers course to.  Cant wait to go back to the indoor snow dome in February!

...Bit sore today tho :P

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The wait is over!!!

Described by some as the one of the most important events of our lifetimes!  Heat magazine is  claiming it to be one of the most talked about events in heat's history.

Ok so its not heat magazines most talked about events but the wait is over!  Yes thats right folks, if you haven't already guessed, 'skip to the end' is blogging again (cue loud applause).

I wanted to get this going again just to have something that friends could read and comment on.  I also wanted to show all those people who aren't my friends what a fantastic life I'

Anyway...Just a quick catch up really.  Currently working for the government as a lacky in an office.  Not big business but just about pays the bills.  Had a couple of days off this week.  Me, Will, Gary, and Matt went to the new snow dome in Manchester.  Its amazing but I suck big time at snow boarding.  Just booked in some more lessons at the dry ski slope in Runcorn this saturday (It's a damn site cheaper than Manchester and nearer to where I live).  My brother Alex is coming down with us to to learn.

Thats about it for the first post in 4, yes 4 years!  I hope it was worth the wait.  Stay tuned for more writings from the secret life of Robin Bamford