Sunday, March 16, 2008

Feels like I've just broken my ribs snowboarding at chill factor e in manchester.  Owe.....

Monday, March 03, 2008


My new (and first) snowboard came today ^_^  Got me a rome agent 156 with burton tria d bindings and 32 lashed boots.  I could have got a board more suited to progressing like the rome solution but at £273 for the agent in the sale it seemed silly not to spend the extra.  Same with the bindings.  Cant go wrong for £126 and they should have loads of resell potential.  Got the 32 lashed because they were cheap on ebay and there nice and forgiving for my first trip on a mountain (less than a month to go!).  Picture coming soon.  The flash made my eyes glow like i was the spawn of satan and i was pulling a spazzy face :P