Thursday, August 14, 2003

give yourself to the dark side

Well after contemplating quitting my job and going back to education the company decided to make the decision for me as i was told that i was "not exceeding the companys expectations" as a rough quote, and fired my ass as one may call it. Im a little gutted seeing as i was planning on giving it up anyway and aswell as that there were some really nice people there but nevermind, i now in theory have the option of doing what i like. The problem is that i cant be arsed. I know how bad that really sounds but after being at uni, dropping out, working full time, i've just not had anytime to myself and foolishly im going back to work at the fair on saturday for a gruelling 9 hours. Oyski Bouyski!

hack the planet

Anoyingly a nastly little worm dug itself into my computer. It turned out to be an annoying virus going around at the moment called msblast. That atleast is sorted, unlike my net step in the big wide world.

Atleast the short term future looks to be entertaing. Two days ago i got my leeds festival tickets so combine them with my tent, a bottle of southern comfort im almost sorted for some serious festival(in). Almost anyway, still need train tickets to get there, food and disposable BBQ's. I also got family guy series one today completing my collection and a few days ago i got neon genesis evangelion for my birthday (cheers katie). Either way though ive really gotta sort something out for september, the question is what? Answers on a postcard

Listening to soulwax
Reading - high society - Ben Elton
Watching - Day time TV (Dharma and Gregg), family guy series 1 and 3, neon genesis evangelion
Playing - Zelda wind waker

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

This is big bro

An early birthday gift from my brother, Mr Tickle settles himself in to his new surroundings. Inspired by the infamous John Tickle from big brother i couldnt help but think of the big brother house filled with Mr Men (not to mention the mischievious Little Miss's) Mr tickle would obviously be make entertaining viewing, all be it for a potentionally short while, tickling people and annoying him before his exploits soon earned him an nomination. Miss Chatterbox is also an obvious choice, disturbing the piece with her constant need to speak and spread rumours (second to go), mr nosey obviously goes hand in hand. Mr Day Dream is another must, along with miss sunshine who could be the ditsy one (these two would obviously end up getting together).

Mr Tickle to the diary room

Mr Tickle settles himself in

Today, being off work through various reasons i decided that i should have a go at setting up my newly bought tent before making the trek to the Leeds festival.

my home for a weekend

It was straight forward enough to set up with a little help from my brother, packing it away was the hard part. Still after numerous attempts of unraveling and refolding i eventually managed to squeeze all the air out and get it back in the bag it came in, be it a rather tighter fit than it was. Still im all ready to go, all i need to finish my kit is a sleeping bag, bottled water, canna....cigarettes, alcohol, throwaway BBQ's and tickets (coming in post) and that about raps it up.

Monday, August 04, 2003

you do it to yourself, you do, and thats what really hurts

Well things are off to a confusing start. I desperatly need to make some serious decisions about what academic course to take. Fed up of working full time, i really want to go back to education. The problem being my two A2 level grades are only good enough to get me into universities i dont want to go to so the question is do i push and push and try get to JMU or do i go back to college for a year or two and improve on my poor exam grades and go back to uni after having plenty of time to decide on where to go and what to do. to illustrate that i am serious about all this i have go all the forms needed for ucas and for college and am currently collecting info on some courses that sound ok at jmu and thinking about arguments i can make in order for them to take me. The favorites so far being "please,go on, ill be your best mate" and "ill get my dad to batter your dad"

Its all so confusing, i pity the fool who doesnt do well in his exams the first time round.

Friday, August 01, 2003

Im late Im late

No this isnt the sound of a premiscuous teeneager 2 weeks late. I just mean im late in making the start i intended to on my blog, making the effort (to some extenct) to research my posts and possibly get round to designing my blog? We'll see on the latter point. There just doesnt seem to be the time to do anything anymore, especially with working during the day, although i may be quitting my apprenticeship to go back to college. I also need to hurry up and sign up to hometime so i can be on the net longer, this one atleast is definetly in the process, i just have to get a billing code from the next phone bill. Once thats done and a little free time becomes available i should get round to doing something hopefully interesting to read.

Other things to do is persuade some friends to come to the leeds festival, aswell as getting them to come out in liverpool instead of our hometown. I know there students and money is short but thats what its about, spending money you havent got and spending the little money you earn doing a seasonal job on enjoying yourself. grrrrrrr.